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Detail inzerát: Doris




Hello Gentlemens!

I am a beautiful girl with a beautiful body, with whom we can have an unforgettable experience. The pictures are 100% real! I can be your gentle lover or the one who fulfills your dirty dreams. I'm always waiting for you dressed in sexy lingerie.

We can arrange an appointment by message or by phone in English, Spanish and Hungarian. If you write a message, please write when would you like to come and for how long. If you want to talk on the phone and I can't pick up, I usually write a message back as soon as possible. Please respect my time and if anything happens and you need to cancel the appointment, just give a call or send me a message and let me know.

If you don't come to the agreed time without cancellation, I will block your number! I do not respond to automated messages.

I don't make discount, so please, don't bother you to ask about it, don't waste our time! Everybody knows that quality requires money. Anyone can do this job, but we all know that not everyone is able to provide a good experience and share some unforgettable moments.


Slovensko, Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava I, Bratislava
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